Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Second Day in cold Perth

Woke up at 6AM today which was extremely early. I did not feel like getting out of bed as I was that exhausted. Despite all that, I had a wonderful pancakes for breakfast before going to Wanneroo Senior High. There was a huge difference in our education system. They have laptops each provided by their school and their classes was very fun. I really enjoyed the 2 classes which was social studies and english where we did a quiz and a presentation on our country given by the teacher-in-charge. Before we end our day in the school, we went into a theater which was called 'Dungeon' and it scared me even though my friends were disturbing the 'ghost'

After we had our lunch at an Italian restaurant before heading to WA State Library. We learn about their facilities provided to the public, such as reading newspaper from  the year 1943. We also see the difference between the past and present.

Today had been a perfect and fu;filing day.

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