Thursday, November 22, 2012

Perth - day 4

Woke up at the same time and got forced out the bed . Today there was 2 workshop . First workshop was with this famous writer Archie Fusillo. He told us he join this line because of his year 10 English teacher which gave him non-stop of encouragement. He at first wrote stories about his people around him like a poor old man whom took care of a toy doll because his son died in a fire when he was at work , stories about his 'gang' etc. His life stories are the best , as it is real and many emotion inside , many cried at the moment. He wrote a storybook called The Dons where it is a story which was based on his death of his lovely . grandmother. Many wanted to buy the book but sadly it was sold out. Hoping to get in tomorrow.

After that , we had nandos for lunch, after that we when to the katherine Susanna Writers center and talk to 3 short stories writer. we learn that they have a lot of rejection when the send the stories to publishing house and they did not gave up and continue sending it . I was surprise by that motivation and passion for writing.

We ended the day with yummy dinner and free-flow of ice-cream, food at the end was also so unhealthy but i enjoyed a lot . Today i also went alone cos my friends were sick .. Haiz hope they get well soon
 Nights :D 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

3rd day in hot Perth

Woke up the latest again -.- around 6.20a.m. . After the same  old breakfast , we went to the Writers Centre to have a writing workshop with Mr Kevin. We learnt about how to write stories . He asked us to imagine and be creative. He ask us to close our eyes and imagine a character which i think most are sleeping . He do not mind if the character was very ridiculous as long as we are creative.  we went to this awesome big field and played a game. The game was to close our eyes and walk straight while imagining someone having a chat with us. It was fun and many people walked weirdly.

We ate burgers and fries as lunch before going to the Art Gallery to learn about aboriginal culture and history through art . WE learn about how the moon and the crying bird was formed . WE also learn about the culture how they bury people etc . It was a wonderful learning trip. After that we went to the factory outlets to shop for clothes and etc . There were many discounts in most shops and I got my clothes at a very low price! Even the Cotton On clothes sold at such low prices at $5 or $10!

We had pizza before going back to the hotel. What a unhealthy diet today -.-

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Second Day in cold Perth

Woke up at 6AM today which was extremely early. I did not feel like getting out of bed as I was that exhausted. Despite all that, I had a wonderful pancakes for breakfast before going to Wanneroo Senior High. There was a huge difference in our education system. They have laptops each provided by their school and their classes was very fun. I really enjoyed the 2 classes which was social studies and english where we did a quiz and a presentation on our country given by the teacher-in-charge. Before we end our day in the school, we went into a theater which was called 'Dungeon' and it scared me even though my friends were disturbing the 'ghost'

After we had our lunch at an Italian restaurant before heading to WA State Library. We learn about their facilities provided to the public, such as reading newspaper from  the year 1943. We also see the difference between the past and present.

Today had been a perfect and fu;filing day.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Perth: Day One

Landed in perth 30 min earlier than expected . The weather was cold like in a super cold aircon room .
Our bus uncle , Uncle brandon , was very kind to explain to us about every place we pass by and brought us to wonderful places that gives out the old feel.
After that we went to Cavernsham Wildlife Park and learnt a lot about kangaroos , koalas and cute wombat :D  We also get to feed the kangaroos too.
My favourite part was the visit to the Parliment House but sadly, we were not able to take any pictures of it. We got to enter the legistative room and sat on chairs where various ministers sat on before. Plus we acted out based on the scripts, how a conference is held. Sitting on the chair made me feel superior.
Tomorrow we will be visiting the Waneeroo Senior High School and attend classes with them. Cant wait to see how different our education standard is.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Not to be missed !

Here are some famous sightseeing areas introduced by <lonely planet> and other web sources

1.Valley of giants, a place where giant tingle trees live for up to 400 years. They can grow up to 60m tall and 16m around the based ! Where people walk amongs the ancient empire and explore the relevated realm of canopy on the magical Tree Top Walk .

2.Marine Park where people are able to see beautiful corals and also maybe dive into the underwater world where whale sharks and manta rays can be seen :O But in order to see the sharks , the most suitable timing are between the month of May and July .

3.Caversham Wildlife Park now features about 200 species, and more than 2000 head of animals, birds and reptiles; most housed in a walk-through environment. The park is the premiere development of its kind in Western Australia, attracting visitors from all over the world. Such is the park’s status, that some of its breeding programs are officially recognised by Australian Zoos.

4.Wave Rock is a natural rock formation that is shaped like a tall breaking ocean wave. The "wave" is about 14 m (47 ft) high and around 110 m (350 ft) long. It forms the north side of a solitary hill, which is known as "Hyden Rock." This hill, which is a granite inselberg, lies about 3 km east of the small town of Hyden and 296 km east-southeast of Perth, Western AustraliaWave Rock and Hyden Rock are part of a 160-hectare nature reserve, Hyden Wildlife Park.

Religon and the Culture :D

The main religon in PERTH  is Christiany . There are about 23% who are Roman catholics , 28% whom are Anglican(another form of Christiany), 11% are not specific as to their beliefs while the remaining are either Buddhism, Islam, Jewish or Hindus

To me it seems like Perth is a very artistic place. It is the home for the West Australian Opera , Ballet and Symphony Orchestra .  Such as place like the one below the maritime museum ,File:FremantleMaritimeMuseum2 gobeirne.jpg
The Swan Bell
File:Swan Bells SMC 2006.jpg
All have a very artistic Look . It looks diffrent and very special :D
Perth it is not only artistic , they also have the Largest inner -city park in the world called Kings park , is located in central Perth between the CBD and the University of Western Australia, at about  4.06 square kilometres
 Another interesting place is the Perth Zoowhere houses a variety of Australian and exotic animals from around the globe. The zoo is home to highly successful breeding programs for orangutans and giraffes, and participates in captive breeding and reintroduction efforts for a number of Western Australian species, including the numbat, the dibbler, the chuditch, and the western swamp tortoise.

Western Swarn Turtle
Credites to Wikipedia and Google