Sunday, February 21, 2016


Its been 3 years since i last wrote here. 
The only reason im writing once more is that i require an outlet for the emotions and things that happen everyday which i can't confine to anybody.

A little background story , my parents are separated since i was pri 5. Growing up with a shadow that telling my parents what is going on in my life will just get me scolded for making wrong decisions , for not putting in effort for everything especially studies. In Singapore, without a certificate there is no way you can get a good future or that is what everyone tells me. "you need to get a degree or best a masters to do well in life to earn more money" Money is that what everyone truly cares about? no matter how many reason one may give that money can't buy you many things such as love, friendship , happiness etc. However without money in this superficial society , you will not survive. 

I get things that i want from my parents, be it clothing, food , allowance or even things for my expensive hobby right now cue sports. There is rarely a 'NO you can't get this or that'. I have a roof over my head , i live in a country that is free from natural disasters , i can walk on the street at night without the fear of anything that might happen to me. Everything is so perfect what more can i ask for? I may just be seen as another spoil brat. But what i am really lacking in life is the affirmation and the care and love. 3 simple things but it can change a child's world. 

Currently in polytechnic right now , life is really different from secondary school. In secondary school , there are teachers that you may hate  but that is usually one or two while the rest of the teachers treat you as their child , someone they love so much. They affirm you with your efforts, they guide you out of your mistakes. When something seems wrong about you , they will always ask, they will make you feel like someone really wants you to be alright. In polytechnic , very similar to university where the lecturer just comes in to teach you  and leaves, consultation was on your own efforts , they dun really care about you much anymore. Although we have a mentor per class but once they dun teach you , they kinda forget you already. I wish to go back to secondary school and live life happy once more.

Although 19 this year, im still weak emotionally. I really dun like everything that is happening in my life right now. Many will just go: You are already an young adult , time to man up and be like one. Work life is going to be more difficult. If you can't handle this then good luck to you. Hearing things like that won't be any help but make the person feel miserable. I really hope i will survive till old cos i feel like giving up right now...

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Acti-Tape vs KT Tape Review

These two brands, Acti-Tape N KT Tape, are tapes that helps to give support , alleviate pain , relaxes the muscles , re positioning of joints and also reduce discomfort or inflammation. It comes in multiple colors for both brands,from Nude colors to bright colors like Pink and Blue. The difference between these tapes and Chinese medical tapes is that they are stretchy,does not have those heat sensation and it is suppose to replace those boring knee guard or any types of supporters for joints etcSo what i am going to compare between these 2 brands is the packaging and material , how long it can last , how well they support and does it worth your money.
1.Packaging and Material 
For KT tape , it comes it a container if u were to purchase the synthetic material one while for the cotton one no. Synthetic ones are waterproof and can last alot longer that the cotton made.

For the Acti tape, it does not have any container that comes along with it, only have a plastic wrap to keep it in place. It feel like cotton to me.This is waterproof  and latex free. So very suitable for people whom are allergic to latex.

KT-tape is able to last up till 7 days while Acti-tape can last up till 3-4 days. However when i tried i wearing , KT-tape can only be worn for like 1-2 days before i have itch so maybe KT-tape is not suitable for people with sensitive skin like mine. For Acit-tape the longest i have worn it was like 4 days before i itch. However if it is not pasted properly, it can still come of easily.

3.How well can it support?
I never used the KT-tape alone before, Usually i will mix both up to have the funky color on wherever i am putting it. As a whole , these tapes do help me a lot it giving support to my knee. It does helps to alleviate the pain when i climb stairs in compression to the other knee that does not have the tape on.

4.Worth the money?
*all currency in this section are all in sing dollars*
KT-tape cost 39.90 at Isetan and only have like 20 strips.
Acti-tape cost about 25 if not on discount at watson stores only and it is not pre-cut strips. I am unsure of how long it is, Sorry :/ 

For me, i would rather buy Acti tape as it is alot cheaper and also allows me to trim the size as i am very small build so the tape can last me even longer,even though some might have seen the non-precut strips for KT-Tape but i have not seen it in the place i got mine at,So if anyone know where to get the no-precut strips in singapore,do comment below :D
Even though Acti-tape lose out in the packaging , but i just placed in it the box so no different if i have the classier looking box like KT-Tapes's 
So overall Acti-tape is the one that i will continue purchasing <3 

*If  u are wondering how to use them, both brands come with instruction manual if not u can got to their website which are or However it is better to consult a doctors if these Tapes do help your conditions and whether your skin is suitable for the use of it too. 
*Some tips when using the tape is that to remember to round the corners of the tape and do not touch the adhesive as it works when it comes into contact with our body heat.
*In singapore, the used of these tapes are rare so if u got stared at etc , it is because they are most likely wondering what it is that you are pasting.

Thanks for viewing and also waiting patiently for a new review to appear. 
DO comment on how i can improve THANKS <3 !

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sorry about dead blog

Hey people from all around the world, thanks for reading my blog once again! I am really very very sorry that my blog is very dead due to I am having my major exams soon so most of the time are used in studies... I will really try my best to do my review on Acti tape and Kt tape within this week.
hope those whom are interested can stay tuned !

I am very happy that more people are reading the blog , as it gives me a lot of confidence to carry on ! Thanks once again!

Signing off

Monday, August 5, 2013

Sorry and Thank You!!

Sorry guys , i was busy lately thus i have not been posting at all :( 
Going to do another product review quite soon on one sports product and also More Mask ! So please stay tuned ! 
To the 63 people whom read my previous blog post on the seaweed mask , Hope i did not lose you and thanks so much for reading ! Please leave a comment on my blog post to tell me what i should do to improve my blog ! 
Really shock to see that amount of people reading my blog! Thanks SOO much really made my day ! 
Cheers! Stay tune and be happy! 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Review 1 : The Body Shop -Seaweed ionic clay mask

Lets sidetrack a bit , I have a combination skin where only my nose and cheek area are very oily and i also have acne prone skin which really suck for a girl. I have been using quite a number of mask and some acne treatment stuff and my conditions slowly improves :D So if you have a similar skin type , these products should suit you .
About the mask :  It is a grey colour looking paste with some black slits in it ,super thick and it smell alright to me. This mask cost me about S$20 if i am not wrong as i got it quite a long time.  It uses bladderwrack seaweed with 100% natural clay complex and it is suppose to 'detoxify and deep cleanse your skin where it uses natural ionic clay action to draw out impurities and control excess oil' based on the body shop website. *This mask is suitable for oily skin people

How To - Apply a thin layer over your face and leave it for 10 min and rinse of . Use it twice every week.

What I hate about : I love the Seaweed range by The Body Shop but i was disappointed by the effect of this mask. When u apply the mask, after about 5 min , your face will feel super tight (maybe because the dirt are being forced out) and it makes me feel scared of moving a muscles as i dun want my face to be wrinkled. It also completely dries my skin after removing it thus i suggest to put moisturiser immediately before your face becomes super oily. It is also difficult to wash off.
What I like about : It helps in decreasing the amount of oil and it also removes a lot of dirt thus leaving your face feeling clean and smooth , it also give a cooling effect which relaxes my face. I love the ocean smell that it gives off and without a timer i can also still remove on time as there will be a colour change .

Conclusion- I might not buy this mask again as it is really very expensive and it is a bit too harsh for my face . I have read some reviews that people with sensitive skin can't use this mask as it might cause breakouts , burning sensation or even red bumps. But if you are willing to spend the money on a deep cleansing mask that will remove excess oil , this can be in one of your choices :D

Do leave your comments about the product and on how i can improve for the next review . Hope you guys like it Thank You :D

Hello :D

Hi I am back :D Previously this blog is used for my school but now no long so i am going to use this blog to write reviews on facial products :D As i find out that sharing opinions on facial products , help alot of people like me to decide if we should purchases them. So Stay Tune :D

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Perth - day 4

Woke up at the same time and got forced out the bed . Today there was 2 workshop . First workshop was with this famous writer Archie Fusillo. He told us he join this line because of his year 10 English teacher which gave him non-stop of encouragement. He at first wrote stories about his people around him like a poor old man whom took care of a toy doll because his son died in a fire when he was at work , stories about his 'gang' etc. His life stories are the best , as it is real and many emotion inside , many cried at the moment. He wrote a storybook called The Dons where it is a story which was based on his death of his lovely . grandmother. Many wanted to buy the book but sadly it was sold out. Hoping to get in tomorrow.

After that , we had nandos for lunch, after that we when to the katherine Susanna Writers center and talk to 3 short stories writer. we learn that they have a lot of rejection when the send the stories to publishing house and they did not gave up and continue sending it . I was surprise by that motivation and passion for writing.

We ended the day with yummy dinner and free-flow of ice-cream, food at the end was also so unhealthy but i enjoyed a lot . Today i also went alone cos my friends were sick .. Haiz hope they get well soon
 Nights :D